Run Play-by-Post Fantasy Adventures and Make Money on Your Schedule
Run premium adventures for in the Dungeon Realms app.
Dungeon Realms players love to role-play on their phones. Sometimes there are not enough Game Masters to accommodate all of those players. For that reason, we decided to launch a Pro Game Master program. It’s simple - run fun campaigns for players and get paid.
Players send you applications to your Pro Campaign. You assemble your dream party. Once the campaign starts, there is a 3-day free trial. After three days, players decide if they want to continue and start paying $4.99 a week or leave the campaign.
How Much Can I Make?
Players pay a $4.99 weekly subscription for your adventure. Usually, Game Masters have four players in their campaigns, so you make $79.84 per campaign per month. Running two campaigns makes you $159.68 per month, four campaigns $319.36, and so on. Learn more about payments in the FAQ below.
$19.99 per one campaign
$38.92 per one campaign
$59.88 per one campaign
$79.82 per one campaign
$99.80 per one campaign
How Does it Work?
Submit Your Application
To become Dungeon Realms Pro Game Master, enter your information into the application form above. We will review it and contact you as soon as possible.
Understand The Pro GM Rules
We want our players to have a great experience in Dungeon Realms. An incredible Game Master is an essential factor. As a Pro GM, we expect you to...
It’s important to be active to keep the campaign going. Make sure to send at least four messages a day.
Care about your players and their experience. They paid for it, and they expect a fantastic adventure.
Use the Out-of-character chat in the app to inform them about your time availability and schedule if there is any.
List Your Campaign in the Dungeon Realms App
Create a public campaign in the Dungeon Realms app. Players can see it in the “Browse” campaigns tab.
IMPORTANT: Add information below to your campaign name and description.
Before the name of your campaign, add: “PRO ⭐ ”. So if the name of your campaign is “Heart of the Dragon” and you’re a Pro Game Master, name the campaign “PRO ⭐ Heart of the Dragon.”
Add additional info below to your campaign description. Add it under the usual campaign description text.
A ⭐ Pro Game Master runs this campaign.
👉 The GM has a multi-year experience in Game Mastering.
👉 The GM is committed to sending at least four messages daily.
How do you join and play this campaign?
➡️ Apply to this campaign the same way as to any other campaign.
➡️ If the Game Master picks you as a player, wait for their campaign to start.
➡️ After the campaign launches, you start a 3-day free trial.
➡️ After three days of role-playing, the Game Master will send you their subscription link. You can subscribe for $4.99/week into the campaign. If you decide it’s not worth it, you can leave the campaign no-questions-asked.
➡️ If you keep playing, you’ll be automatically charged $4.99 every week. If you leave the campaign or the campaign is canceled, the subscription is canceled automatically.

Send Players Your Subscription Link 3 Days After Your Campaign Started
Players send you applications to your Pro Campaign. You assemble your dream party. Once the campaign starts, there is a 3-day free trial.
After three days, send your subscription link to players in the Out-of-Campaign Chat. They can subscribe for $4.99 a week or decide to leave. You'll get your subscription link after your Pro GM application is approved.
Copy this Message to the OOC Chat After three days:
Thank you for playing this campaign! It has been three days since we started, so your free trial period ends. If you want to continue, please go to [insert your subscription link] and subscribe for a $4.99 weekly payment. If you keep playing, you’ll be charged $4.99 weekly starting today. The subscription will be canceled automatically if you leave the campaign or the campaign ends. Please, let me know once you subscribed so we can continue.

Enjoy Campaigns with Them!
Run your adventure for them. Be active, engaging, and just a great Pro Game Master. You can run the adventure as long as you want.
We’ll Send You Your Money
There is a monthly payout. We’ll transfer you your money via Paypal, Wise, or Revolut at the end of every month based on number of campaigns and subscribed players.
What if a player leaves my campaign?
If any player leaves your campaign at any point, don’t worry - that happens. You’ll still get paid the full amount for the player. Don’t forget to let us know immediately so that we can cancel your players’ subscriptions.
But what if the player’s behavior is over the line?
You can report a player in their Dungeon Realms user profile. We will review it and possibly remove the player from your campaign. We will cancel the player’s subscription.
What if I kick a player out of my campaign?
In Pro Campaigns, you can’t kick out a player. They pay for it, and they expect a great experience.
Can I start a campaign with less than four players?
Yes! Start a Pro Campaign with any number of players between 1 to 5.
What if a player’s character dies?
That can happen! In that case, tell the user to create a new character. Let them leave and rejoin the campaign with their new character.
Can I pick a payment method?
Yes. We can send you money via Paypal, Wise, or Revolut.
How do I let you know that my campaign ended?
How much do I make if I run a campaign for a different number of players than four?
Each player pays you $4.99 per week. If your campaign has two players, you’ll receive $39.92 every month.
We’ll be in contact with you via e-mail or Discord, so you can send us a message or e-mail when your campaign ends.
How long should I run the Pro Campaign?
As long as you and your players want. There’s no limit on the maximum or minimum length of your campaign.
What if I can’t continue in my campaign due to things like medical issues?
Let us know via Discord or e-mail! We will understand, you’ll end the campaign, and we will cancel your players’ subscriptions.
Please contact us at info@fireballrpg.com or on our Discord for all other questions.